Friday, October 9, 2015

The War Between Guilt & Grace

As a christian there is a constant battle raging before us. Guilt (the devil & our flesh) far too often tries to come in and erase the GRACE (God's awesomeness) that has been given to us. The devil will do anything to try and steal our joy, but the good news.....Grace WINS EVERY TIME! Next time words of doubt and guilt come creeping in remember this!

I cannot remember where I found these amazing words, but I have them posted by my computer so I can read them daily. I hope they can be an encouragement to you like they are to me!

Enjoy! :

"In the slow steady rhythm of life, the Spirit moves in and through, and all around to give me peace, hope, and joy. When I am close to God I am loved so deeply and intimately, that He and I are one and my soul is full.

In the fast, rushing rhythm of busy, my flesh moves in and controls, demands, manipulates all around to give me anxiety, fear, and frustration. When I am far from God I am lonely and isolated and my soul is empty.

Why would I ever choose to move at the pace of SELF versus the PACE of GRACE! The ace of grace is a place where I REPLACE all that is not HIM with all that IS HIM and I trace the joy and release the sad.

The pace of grace is a place where I can live, aide, and grow, where I am seen, known, and loved through the eyes of a HOLY GOD because of the blood of a PRECIOUS SAVIOR. In Him I can live in a pace of grace.

The pace of grace turns away from offenses and turns towards forgiveness. The FACE of GRACE is one of gentle, loving-kindness where nail-scarred hands hold tight and keep still the desire to rush and move towards the NOTHING that makes me think I am SOMETHING.

GRACE is all I have, all  I NEED, and all I must GIVE. I want to pour out grace like a waterfall, never ending, powerful, and strong. Grace is STRONG. Strong enough to beat down all sin, all pain, all shame. Grace ERASES and I am made CLEAN over and over and over again.

I want my words to ooze out grace with every syllable. phrase, and sentence. For wounded souls to find out that there is a God who's GRACE IS SUFFICIENT and whose POWER IS MADE PERFECT IN WEAKNESS.

Accepting grace means I am what I am and I will be what HE makes of me as I completely surrender to HIS EMBRACE.


Rest is that my friends! We serve a MIGHTY GOD!

God Bless, 
