Monday, August 1, 2016

33 Weeks with Lawson

How far along? 33 weeks.... a little less than 7 weeks to go (if he doesn't decide to come earlier)! Baby is the size of a pinapple!

Total weight gain/loss 29lbs.! So I can still gain about 6. Doing a lot better this pregnancy :)

Maternity clothesAbsolutely

Stretch marks? Not that I can see. I am still lathering in cocoa butter everyday

Sleep? Pretty miserable. I have had a few good nights of sleep, but when I try to move around I get really bad round ligament pains & my belly feels like a ton of bricks. I have also been having a lot of pain in my groin area all throughout the day, but at night it seems worse.

Best moment this week? Hearing Michael talk about how excited he is for "baby brudder" to be here! He keeps telling me we need to go to the hospital now so we can bring baby brother home. He says he has a best friend growing in my belly! It's really the cutest thing ever and it melts my heart. We also got him a baby doll to "practice" with, but that plan back fired on me because when I gave it to him he looked at me and said "mommy no, dolls are for girls". :)

Miss Anything? Energy & sweet tea (decaf is just not the same).

Movement? Yes! He is way more chill inside the womb than Michael was so I am praying that this is my calm child ;)

Food cravings? Chicken frantega panini (I am sure I just slaughtered that spelling) with avocado from Panera bread.....delish!!!!.

Anything making you queasy or sick? no.

Gender? Boy!

Labor Signs? No, just braxton hicks

Belly Button in or out? OUT

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time? Moody & tired

Looking forward to? FALL!!!! and of course having this precious gift in my arms! It's getting so close and we are so anxious to meet you Lawson!!!!

Fun fact: Nesting has begun! Your room is ready with all your clothes and things washed and organized by size. Our hospital bags are packed! I love just going in your room and putting things up or organizing while I imagine what it will be like when you are here with me in it!

I still need to set up your swing & rock n play. Also still need to install your car seat base. I will wait a little closer to time for those things though :) We are ready for you baby boy....grow baby grow!

"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever." -Psalms 136:1
