Thursday, April 16, 2015

God's Work Lately

So I just got home from an AMAZING concert with Casting Crowns. Let me just tell you God's presence was ALL OVER that place! It was Mark Hall's (lead singer) first concert back since having surgery to remove a cancerous kidney, and God's light shined brightly through him. He spoke so much wisdom into my heart and really opened my eyes to a lot. It was great to sing praises to my mighty God with my hands lifted high (while standing barefoot on the chair :)....hey this southern girl was trying to get a little close to God lol).

Mark said quit a few things that really pulled my heart strings and got my gears working. He spoke about how our roots spring forth from digging deep into God's word and from our roots we bear fruit...and our fruit is what reaches out and shines light and blessings on those around us. He said that before really knowing Christ he just hung God's word and truth on him like ornaments on a tree...those "ornaments" that are hung can easily be knocked off. It's when we really plant our hearts (roots) in God's word that we actually produce fruit instead of just hanging it on ourselves as a decoration. Just like trees thrive with rain water, we need to drink from the LIVING WATER of God's word daily so that we may also thrive for Christ!
(I loved this beautiful illustration I found on Google.)

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5

Something else that spoke to my heart was the meaning behind his song "Broken Together". He used the verse 2 Corinthians 12:9 where it speaks about God's power being made perfect in our weakness, and how we should BOAST about our weakness. I am VERY guilty of trying to cover up the weak times I have had in my life. Partly because the person I used to be totally embarrassed me. I share with people that I feel led to share my testimony with, but there are a few parts I tend to leave out because I am totally ashamed. I know that with God's help and strength I WILL be able to forgive myself, get past my pride, and instead of hiding those weaknesses I will BOAST about them to bring his power and name glory. This is something I am praying hard about because I know that God is calling me to share my story (my WHOLE story) with others. I just need to remember WHO I am IN CHRIST, not who I was in this world.

"But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." 2 Corinthians 12:9

Many Christians today do not boast about their weakness, instead we shove it in a closet and lock the door so no one can see. We are all living in a day and age were "having problems" is something that gets talked about, but in reality we.all.have.problems. No one is immune...problems are inevitable! Instead of acting lofty as though our life is grand we should share with others our brokenness. In showing others the broken areas in our life it gives God's power the opportunity to be made perfect through us. It shows others where our strength comes from and what the source of our daily survival is.

I will one day (maybe soon) share the totally amazing transformation that God has done in my heart, mind, and life. I am going to have to pray very hard about it so that God's power can be glorified through it, and so that I can make beautiful words explain the ugly mess my life was. Until then I need to go catch some zzzzz's because it is way past my bedtime. I just needed to share my heart with you guys tonight!

Goodnight & God Bless,

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