Saturday, May 2, 2015

Being Called to the Mission Field

What does your mission field look like? I would absolutely love to go to a mission field over seas one day. I think it would be such a great experience and eye opener. Although that is a dream I have, my mission field that God has called me too looks a little different than being overseas. My mission field is right here in my mission field is my family!

I was reading a blog post my one of my favorite bloggers Lori Alexander. I love her heart for teaching younger women and the Godly wisdom she brings to the table. She was talking about unbelieving or disobedient husbands, and how by staying with them we are bringing Jesus into their lives. When we sanctify them and model God for them they become our mission field. That statement spoke boldly to my heart!

Some people may be called by God to travel the world and do missions, but maybe you are like me and God has called you to the mission field As a wife God has called you to sanctify your disobedient husband by extending love and grace (even when its tough very hard). As a mother you have been called to teach your children to love and serve God and others. As a friend you have been called to encourage, listen, love and pray.

Everyone who is a believer has a mission field that they have been called to. Not everyone's looks the same, but we have ALL been called for a purpose....and that purpose is to spread that love of Jesus Christ!

This is what my mission field looks like...

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." -Romans 8:28

Happy Saturday,

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