Sunday, September 11, 2016

39 weeks with Lawson..almost there!

( My face says it all lol....and excuse the background mess. This is getting ready for church chaos)

How far along? 39 weeks and beyond ready to meet this sweet boy! Baby is the size of a watermelon....and definitely feels like one!

Total weight gain/loss 35 lbs. I have met the total suggested weight gain for my height and weight prior to being prego. Hopefully baby will come soon and I won't gain anymore. Still 20 lbs. down from my weight gain with baby #1 so I'm happy about that. 

Maternity clothes? Barely... I have reached the point where even most of my maternity stuff doesn't fit (hello belly hanging out of the bottom of my shirt...attractive right? lol). At this point its mostly dresses in public and hubby's boxer with my belly out at home :)

Stretch marks? None that I can see. I ran out of belly butter and decided not to buy anymore at this point. I have just been lathering in lotion at night.

Sleep? Trying to enjoy it while I still have it, but its seriously so uncomfortable. It's a process moving from one side to the other....not to mention the 289890727948 times I have to get up and go potty through the night. My hubs laughs at me trying to get out of bed....I'm sure it looks funny.

Best moment this week? Well we had a little "scare" at my 37 week appointment ( I was actually 37.3 weeks at this appointment) when we were told that bubba was breech. I went in the next day to have a procedure done call and external version. Basically its where they try and flip the baby by moving him & pushing him externally. There were risks involved and we were unsure if it would work or if I may even possibly have him that day. I was a nervous wreck cleaning the house like a mad lady the night before ( I clean when i get nervous or anxious). Well we got to the hospital for the procedure and I got hooked up to an IV and was given some "relaxing" medication....the doc came in to begin and as soon as he started the ultrasound we saw that our little dude had flipped head down on his own!!!!! Total God thing because I never once felt it, and it's very unlikely for babies to move on their own that far long! At my 38 week appointment (38.4) baby was still head down, but I was only a fingertip dilated with no effacement. Dr said that he wants to see me again this coming Wednesday and if my cervix is showing signs of progression (TMI? oh well its part of it) he wants to induce me Thursday!!!!!! So these past few days have been full of bouncing on yoga balls, walking, taking evening primrose oil, drinking raspberry leaf tea, and other activities that are supposed to help with progression. Basically anything and everything I could find on google besides caster thank you. But ultimately I know God has a plan so I have been praying that IF it's HIS WILL that it would be done. We shall see :)

Miss Anything? moving around normally, feeling what its like to be cold (weird right), and sweeeeeeeeeeet tea!

Movement? Not as much as he used to because there's not much room, but he rolls those little hands and feet around to let me know hes all good! He also like to push his little booty makes my belly all lop sided :)

Food cravings? Nothing really. But I am trying to enjoy food while I still have the " I'm pregnant" excuse :)

Anything making you queasy or sick? no.

Gender? Boy!

Labor Signs? braxton hicks, pressure

Belly Button in or out? OUT

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time? happy and anxious

Looking forward to? Seeing my baby for the first time, hearing his cry, holding him in my arms.....all the joys of bringing new life into the world!

We are ready for you sweet boy! 

"Certainly you made my mind and heart; you wove me together in my mother’s womb. I will give you thanks because your deeds are awesome and amazing. You knew me thoroughly; my bones were not hidden from you, when I was made in secret and sewed together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw me when I was inside the womb. All the days ordained for me were recorded in your scroll before one of them came into existence." 

-Psalm 139:14-16

Monday, August 1, 2016

33 Weeks with Lawson

How far along? 33 weeks.... a little less than 7 weeks to go (if he doesn't decide to come earlier)! Baby is the size of a pinapple!

Total weight gain/loss 29lbs.! So I can still gain about 6. Doing a lot better this pregnancy :)

Maternity clothesAbsolutely

Stretch marks? Not that I can see. I am still lathering in cocoa butter everyday

Sleep? Pretty miserable. I have had a few good nights of sleep, but when I try to move around I get really bad round ligament pains & my belly feels like a ton of bricks. I have also been having a lot of pain in my groin area all throughout the day, but at night it seems worse.

Best moment this week? Hearing Michael talk about how excited he is for "baby brudder" to be here! He keeps telling me we need to go to the hospital now so we can bring baby brother home. He says he has a best friend growing in my belly! It's really the cutest thing ever and it melts my heart. We also got him a baby doll to "practice" with, but that plan back fired on me because when I gave it to him he looked at me and said "mommy no, dolls are for girls". :)

Miss Anything? Energy & sweet tea (decaf is just not the same).

Movement? Yes! He is way more chill inside the womb than Michael was so I am praying that this is my calm child ;)

Food cravings? Chicken frantega panini (I am sure I just slaughtered that spelling) with avocado from Panera bread.....delish!!!!.

Anything making you queasy or sick? no.

Gender? Boy!

Labor Signs? No, just braxton hicks

Belly Button in or out? OUT

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time? Moody & tired

Looking forward to? FALL!!!! and of course having this precious gift in my arms! It's getting so close and we are so anxious to meet you Lawson!!!!

Fun fact: Nesting has begun! Your room is ready with all your clothes and things washed and organized by size. Our hospital bags are packed! I love just going in your room and putting things up or organizing while I imagine what it will be like when you are here with me in it!

I still need to set up your swing & rock n play. Also still need to install your car seat base. I will wait a little closer to time for those things though :) We are ready for you baby boy....grow baby grow!

"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever." -Psalms 136:1

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

28 weeks with Lawson!

Well it's been a little while since my last post. Whoops....a little thing called LIFE happened! :) I am now 28 weeks with baby Lawson (will be 29 weeks on Sunday)
 and man this pregnancy is FLYING by!

How far along? 28 weeks....Hello third trimester, you came quickly!
Maternity clothes? For sure!! I have a few "regular" dresses that are a medium that I can still wear. I live in dresses these days...or my hubby's boxers lol. It's all about comfort right now.
Stretch marks?  Not any that I can see. I lather in cocoa butter daily.
Sleep: I have been sleeping like poo. I can't get comfortable, I feel like i have a giant watermelon attached to me that keeps me from being able to move from one position to another smoothly, and insomnia has kicked in badly. My second trimester energy is GONE! I guess I should go ahead and get used to this no sleep thing :)
Best moment this week: Going on our family beach trip and having a little RNR time! It was much needed. Also having the nursery all done. It's an adorable woodland/Aztec theme. It's super special also because my grandmother made the crib bedding and curtains!

{Michael helped me paint the arrows. He's such a sweet big brother already}
{up close of the fabric for the curtains and bed skirt}

Have you told family and friends: of course! I think i'll delete this question on my next update because its duhhhhh obvious! I have had a few strangers ask me with a stutter if I was prego. I think they were just being polite lol because its totally out there.
Movement: Lawson is a little bit more lazy than Michael was, but he is still a mover. He likes to stretch out more than anything, which gets pretty painful at times. I am hoping Lawson will be my "laid back" kid, because Lord knows if he's anything near as active as Michael is my hands will for sure be FULL!
Food cravings: I have been eating these baby kale & spinach salads with grilled chicken, cheese, olives, and a yogurt Cesar dressing and OH MY GOODNESS it is delicious. I don't think I will ever get tired of them. I have also been craving chocolate Shakeology. SO yummy and SO good for you.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No.

Have you started to show yet: I look like I am smuggling a watermelon...or a torpedo.
{Please excuse the tooth brush and non-brushed hair}

Gender prediction:  Baby "brudder" Lawson
Belly Button in or out? Totally out.
Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: tired, moody, happy, stressed... lol its a roller coaster right now. Poor hubby...

Looking forward to: Hopefully getting a 4D ultrasound soon. There's a place here in TN that does elective ultrasounds so I think I may try it out. Also somewhat looking forward to my oldest baby turning 3 in a few weeks. It's totally bittersweet! 

Need to do:
* pack our hospital bags (will do around 32-34 weeks)
* Wash coming home outfit
* install car seat ( 32-34 weeks maybe)
* get "big brother goodie bag" together (from Lawson to Michael)
* Stock up on diapers and wipes
* breathe and try to relax

Monday, April 25, 2016

Baby Lawson is 19 weeks!

How far along? 19 weeks! Almost half way this is going by way too fast!
Maternity clothes? YES! I forgot how comfy maternity clothes are. I am blessed to have friends who just had babies and passed down maternity clothes to me, :)
Stretch marks? No. Please stay that way
Sleep: Really good as long as the dog doesn't start barking in the middle of the night and wake me up.
Best moment this week: witnessed a sweet moment of Michael wanting to "buy his baby brudder sumping " ( only because it has dirt bikes on it (;). It was such a sweet gesture though and only $2.00 so baby brother got it! SO SWEET!

Have you told family and friends: Yes! it pretty obvious at this point to anyone I come in contact with lol
Movement: Yes! We have a wiggle worm. My hubby can't feel it from the outside just yet.
Food cravings: Lemonade! Give me all the lemonade. Also strawberries, cantaloupe, honey dew, and pineapple. Any cold fruit is just delicious right now.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope

Have you started to show yet:  Yes! My belly is growing by the day. I just don't have a picture of it this week.
Gender prediction:  It's a precious baby boy!
Belly Button in or out? Totally out.
Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Content! Thank you God

Looking forward to: My ultrasound appt. this Wednesday to see baby Lawson again. Also moving so my family can finally be back together! Oh and a beach trip....the ocean is calling my name!

Encouraging scripture:  Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.
- Psalms 143:8

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Baby Perry #2 is 14 weeks

interrupt this blog to bring Baby Perry #2 updates! This is mostly for my keepsake purposes, but you are more than welcome to fallow along! :)

How far along? 14 weeks! We have finally reached the 2nd trimester :)
weight with Michael so that makes me feel a little better. I gained 50lbs with Michael so I am trying not to do that again! We shall see. I have been staying active and eating healthy (most of the time), so that should help.

Maternity clothes? A few. Mostly because they are so comfortable and I don't like things clinging to me right now. Dresses are my go to right now!

Stretch marks? No. Praying I can avoid this again. I have been drinking water like a horse to help.

Sleep: Sleep is good...SO good I wish I could have more, but 2 Year olds don't like sleeping in ;). 

Best moment this week: Making it to the 2nd Trimester

Have you told family and friends: Yes! It was really hard keeping it a secret for a little while though!
Movement: I think I may have felt a few "flutters" this week. Could just be gas, but doc said with your second baby you may feel it earlier. I was 16 weeks when I felt Michael's first movements.

Food cravings: Hummus, hummus, and more HUMMUS! Any flavor, with pita chips. I may or may not have eaten 3 tubs of hummus last week :) Also boiled eggs, peanut butter, and oikos greek yogurt crunch (all flavors, but especially coconut!) .......oh and turtle tracks ice cream. Gotta have a balance right?! :)

Anything making you queasy or sick: The first trimester everything made me nauseous...foods, smells, or just the thought of certain things. Thankfully that has subsided and I do not feel queasy at all.

Have you started to show yet:  Yes! I am showing a lot earlier this go around, but its at that awkward " is she prego or just eating too many donuts" stage. It is growing weekly though!

Gender prediction:  We did the MaterniT21 blood test at the doctors at 12 weeks (you can do it as early as 10 weeks) to test DNA in the fetal blood. It's 99% accurate and I liked those odds so this impatient mama did it and......another precious baby BOY! Lawson Stokes Perry will be his name. We decided on the name Lawson because Law was my grandmothers maiden name. And Stokes is my hubby's grand father's last name.
Belly Button in or out? Already out! But it never went back to normal after my gallbladder surgery in August, so I think that's the culprit!
Wedding rings on or off? On and loose as always. I have to wear a ring guard even with my 4.5 size finger! I know this will change though.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy :)

Looking forward to: My hubby coming home next month!! And starting our new adventure together in Tennessee at Fort Campbell in May....even though I am going to miss my family and church family terribly it will be a great experience. Also becoming a stay at home mom on April 22nd! I have been praying so hard about this because I have been very passionate about wanting to stay home and raise my boys! God is SOOO good and faithful!

Friday, October 9, 2015

The War Between Guilt & Grace

As a christian there is a constant battle raging before us. Guilt (the devil & our flesh) far too often tries to come in and erase the GRACE (God's awesomeness) that has been given to us. The devil will do anything to try and steal our joy, but the good news.....Grace WINS EVERY TIME! Next time words of doubt and guilt come creeping in remember this!

I cannot remember where I found these amazing words, but I have them posted by my computer so I can read them daily. I hope they can be an encouragement to you like they are to me!

Enjoy! :

"In the slow steady rhythm of life, the Spirit moves in and through, and all around to give me peace, hope, and joy. When I am close to God I am loved so deeply and intimately, that He and I are one and my soul is full.

In the fast, rushing rhythm of busy, my flesh moves in and controls, demands, manipulates all around to give me anxiety, fear, and frustration. When I am far from God I am lonely and isolated and my soul is empty.

Why would I ever choose to move at the pace of SELF versus the PACE of GRACE! The ace of grace is a place where I REPLACE all that is not HIM with all that IS HIM and I trace the joy and release the sad.

The pace of grace is a place where I can live, aide, and grow, where I am seen, known, and loved through the eyes of a HOLY GOD because of the blood of a PRECIOUS SAVIOR. In Him I can live in a pace of grace.

The pace of grace turns away from offenses and turns towards forgiveness. The FACE of GRACE is one of gentle, loving-kindness where nail-scarred hands hold tight and keep still the desire to rush and move towards the NOTHING that makes me think I am SOMETHING.

GRACE is all I have, all  I NEED, and all I must GIVE. I want to pour out grace like a waterfall, never ending, powerful, and strong. Grace is STRONG. Strong enough to beat down all sin, all pain, all shame. Grace ERASES and I am made CLEAN over and over and over again.

I want my words to ooze out grace with every syllable. phrase, and sentence. For wounded souls to find out that there is a God who's GRACE IS SUFFICIENT and whose POWER IS MADE PERFECT IN WEAKNESS.

Accepting grace means I am what I am and I will be what HE makes of me as I completely surrender to HIS EMBRACE.


Rest is that my friends! We serve a MIGHTY GOD!

God Bless, 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

God's Work Lately

Do you ever get lost in all of the distractions of the world that you loose focus on God's calling in your life? I am totally guilty over here! I have been praying for wisdom a lot lately because I have felt that fog (remember?) creeping in. Well God decided to use today to be an "eye opener" for me.

My day started as, prayer, coffee, scramble to get me & my child ready and out of the door. We always have our morning prayer time on the way to daycare, and recently, now that Micheal is older, I have been asking him what he would like to pray for. Well this morning it was the sky, our house, green grass, and balls (of coarse, typical boy!). We started thanking God for the sky, the sun that brings light, and the beautiful reminders of God's glory. We fallowed by thanking Him for the green grass that feeds animals so we can have good meat and veggies to eat. And we thanked him for our home, and asked for protection to cover our home, and love, contentment and joy to flood the inside. The entire time we were praying for these few request from a toddler I was so quickly reminded of how MUCH I take things for granite I get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life that I forget to really "stop and smell the roses". God has given us a beautiful creation to enjoy. We don't need all of the new latest and greatest things in life, all we NEED is God. When we truly seek Him out and rest in His presence we have ALL we could ever need.

But God wasn't done there. My very first patient of the day has been suffering from cancer. You wouldn't dare know it though because her and her husband always come in with a great attitude and a smile. We were getting ready to schedule her next appointment and she wanted first thing in the morning. She said " We will be up already anyways", so i casually asked if they were early birds. They both informed me that they wake up at 4:30 every morning to pray to God together and thank Him for all he does. They said it is the ONLY way to start your day. WOW. I was so amazed and inspired all at the same time. That good attitude and smile that they always have is God's awesome strength shining clearly through them. I love some good encouragement like that.

A little while after they left I was helping the receptionist check a patient out. It was a very sweet lady with a walker. As she smiled I could see joy shining through her eyes...It was almost as if they told a story of struggle that had overcome. I checked her out and told her that I hoped she had a good day. She quickly informed me that she learned a long time ago that every day is a good day. And she is so right! With God every day is a good day, because we can rest in Him and his glory (He's got this!).

God answered my prayer for wisdom in more than one way. I love days like today when I can go to bed feeling God's hand at work in my life. I am so thankful for the perspective change he gave me today and I pray that it continues to mold the way I look at things. I pray that I can slow down my pace in life and fully enjoy every blessing God has given me. I do not want to miss out on the beauty and joy God has given us because I am too wrapped up in the things of this world. I want to find the innocence of life again the way my child sees it. I want to find the glory of God through the trials and storms. I want to REALLY know that no matter what EVERY day is a good day, because Jesus is good. Always has been and always will be.

Will you join me? Lets put down our cell phones and pick up the bible instead. Lets go for a nice walk and grasp the awesomeness of God's creation. Lets slow down, spend more time in prayer, and thank God for all he has done. Lets experience life...TRUE LIFE that can only be found with God!

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." - 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

God Bless!
