Friday, February 20, 2015

Treasures of the heart

What is the very first thing you think of when you wake up in my morning? Often for me, I am woken up by my toddler calling for mama over the monitor. When I am woken up by that sweet little voice, it's hard not to let that be the first thing I think of. But on those nice, blissful mornings when my little one decides to sleep in, the first thing I think of is give me Jesus and my coffee ( hence the name of my blog ).

The first thing you think of in the mornings can pretty much tell you what is a treasure in your heart. A treasure is something that is precious and important to you. Treasures can be material, relational, or emotional. The bible tells us in Matthew 6:21 " Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also".

It is very important that we prioritize the treasures we have. It is very easy to put our kids, spouse, job, house, or material possessions before God. I am guilty of this more than I would like to admit. We can get so caught up in our daily lives that our priorities can get all out of whack. In all reality God is the only treasure we NEED!

Our actions reflect what is in our heart, and we should be a reflection of God. We should radiate his presence. When we let other treasures things get in the way of God in our hearts, it makes his light shining through us dimer and dimer. This should not be. So in order to keep God the number one treasure in our hearts we need to renew our hearts daily through God's word, and we need to be prayerful about everything. Sharing what is on our hearts with God makes our relationship with him even stronger.

The treasures we have here on earth will be nothing compared to the treasures that God has stored up in heaven for us. We need to keep ours hearts rooted & built up in God, strengthened in faith, and overflowing with thankfulness (Colossians 2:6-7).

Colossians 3:2 tells us to " Set our minds on things above, not on earthly things". Our minds control our hearts and vice versa. In order to keep God first in our hearts, we need to keep him first in our thoughts also. I encourage you to pray the scriptures above daily, and ask God to help you keep him the #1 treasure in your heart!

God bless!

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