Thursday, February 26, 2015

God's work lately

I have been in sort of a spiritual fog this week. Have you ever had one of those times where it feels like your just going through the motions, not really producing any kind of fruit, and like your line with God got disconnected? My quiet time seems to get over run with a flood of distracting thoughts, my prayers seem repetitive and not heart felt, and my soul just seems jammed up.

Times like these can really be frustrating and exhausting at the same time. It's situations like these when we need to refocus our spiritual lenses and adjust the settings of our heart. How do we do that?.....Through PRAYER. Ask God to help you get it into gear!

God helped me get it in gear this morning when I read a verse from Proverbs 15. It says ,  " Better is a little with the fear of God than treasure and trouble with it". Wow.. There is was plain as day what was causing this fog I was in... Treasure. I was filling my mind with treasure of this world instead of the fear of God. God revealed to me that He was there and He was working, sadly I just wasn't listening... And that's when the trouble comes.

John 15:5 says, " I am the vine and you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do NOTHING". Focusing my thoughts on worldly things caused me to separate myself from God. I wasn't pouring into my heart what it needs daily in order to bear God's fruit.

My cure: God's word and A LOT of prayer! Get rid of all the "gunk" that distracts my mind away from the one TRUE thing that matters. Read encouraging & Godly blog posts. Be open and honest with God about how your struggle is making you feel (it takes a load off and makes you feel so much better!)...after all He already knows!

Once you feel the conviction of your jammed up-foggy-fruitlessness (say that 10 times ;P ) repent, pray, and FEEL the beauty of God's grace. Boy am I so thankful that his mercies are NEW EVERYDAY!! I hope this can encourage you if you are having one of these are not alone. God is ready & waiting with open arms.

God Bless

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