Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentines Day: Definition of true love

Happy Valentines day! Valentines day is a day full of love. What better way to celebrate this day of love than by reminding ourselves of who loved us first ( 1 John 4:19 )!
I was reading a blog post on this morning and something really tugged at my heart. The writer said " True love is not in the shape of a diamond, but in the shape of a cross". WOW...can you say powerful! Those words have been stuck in my head all day long. It really got me thinking about the things in life that have my heart/love the most. Am I really loving God the way I should be? Does God's love shine through me as I talk to others throughout the day? Am I loving others they way God has commanded me? I know that my heart wants to love God and show the love of God, but all too often I fall into the " love of diamonds" category. Maybe not literal diamonds, but definitely worldly things.
Despite the "love of diamonds" that I may fall into, God's love for me never fails (praise God)! In 1 John 4:9-10 it tells us that God loved us SO MUCH that he sent his son that we may live through him. Living through God is a daily decision. We can either focus on the things this world has to offer, or we can turn from the world and cling to the cross. God's ways are ALWAYS best. So when the temptation of this world falls upon us, let us choose to show God's love and put Him above anything else.
God loved us before we ever existed on this earth.Yes, He loved still loves sinners like you and I. The awesome truth about God's love is that we really don't deserve it, yet he loves us more than we could ever understand... no matter how sinful we may be (Romans 5:8). He actually went as far as to give his sons life as a sacrifice for our sins so that we may have everlasting life with him! Now THAT my friends is the definition of TRUE LOVE!

So today lets celebrate by sharing and shining the love of God. Lets rejoice and be so thankful for the LIFE that his great love has given us!

God bless!

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