Thursday, March 26, 2015

Forgiving Yourself Just as Christ Forgave You

" If anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW creation; The old has gone, and the new has come."
- 2 Corinthians 5:17

When I first laid my life down to Christ totally and completely I felt like a new creation....and I was! God has done a TREMENDOUS work in my life, and I am ever so thankful. But even though I knew I was forgiven through Christ for ALL the awful down right sinful things I have done in my life, I couldn't seem to forgive myself. I would replay in my head all of the darkest times in my life and would feel absolutely disgusted with myself. I knew God had made me a new creation because it was very evident in my life that I had done a major 360, but my thoughts would not let me live that freedom that I had been given. 

When God does His awesome work in your life (which is an everyday thing) the devil tries to creep in and take that joy that comes along with it. He will use any negative tactic he can to try and take your focus off God and onto sin. For me he was using my thoughts.

It wasn't until I started praying for God to help me take every thought captive an make it obedient to Him (2 Corinthians 10:5) that I started seeing myself in a different God's light. When one of those negative thoughts would pop in my head I would tell myself that I am forgiven, I am not that same person, and I DO NOT have to beat myself up for those bad decisions anymore because God has already forgotten about them and I need to do the same.

It took me some time to finally come to peace with my old self and embrace the new creation that God has made me. I am no longer the sinful, party animal wild (and I mean wild) child Haleigh...I am now a daughter to a King who loves me dearly. I am a broken vessel ready to be used for God's purpose in helping others, just the way He has helped me.

I am so very thankful for the trials and troubles that I have faced in my short lifetime because they have all built me up and prepared me to be the women that Christ has made me today. I know that the mess of a life that I had will be used for God's glory!

Once you have repented of your sins to Christ let go of them yourself. Don't let the devil try to steal your joy. Remind yourself that you are NEW, forgiven, and loved. Forgive YOURSELF, just as Christ has forgiven you!

** Cue the Frozen theme song** :)

God bless,

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